1Santi, seorang staf rekrutmen, merasa cemas ketika mendengar perusahaannya akan mengganti manajer HRD. Keringat membasahi dahinya, ia semakin bingung karena ...
1Santi, a member of a recruitment team, was worried when she heard that her company is planning to replace its ...
1While the majority of businesses hope to retain their employees for as long as possible, there are occasions when they must make the tough decisions of ...
1Meskipun sebagian besar perusahaan memiliki harapan agar karyawannya dapat bertahan lama, ada kalanya perusahaan perlu mengambil keputusan sulit, seperti melakukan ...
1The perception of a company’s reputation among job seekers and employees is an important thing that can influence many aspects ...
1Persepsi mengenai reputasi perusahaan di antara para pencari kerja dan karyawan internal menjadi hal penting yang dapat mempengaruhi banyak aspek ...
1It cannot be denied, employer branding is a crucial part of the human resources process - an important factor for ...
1Tidak dapat dipungkiri, employer branding menjadi hal krusial yang perlu dalam proses sumber daya manusia - salah satu faktor penting ...
1Individu merupakan salah satu faktor penting agar sebuah bisnis mampu mencapai goal yang diharapkan dan mengembangkannya secara optimal dalam jangka ...
1People are one of the most important factors to support a business in achieving its goals and develop them optimally ...
1Tahukan Anda konsep "low income trap" ternyata juga relevan dalam dunia HR? Low income trap disini adalah kondisi di mana ...
1Did you know that the concept of the "low income trap" is also relevant in the world of HR? A ...
1Are you overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications for your open positions? Struggling to find the time to sort ...
1The job market is a battlefield. Top companies are constantly competing to attract the best talent in the market. In ...
1Gen Z is entering the workforce in droves. But how do you, as an employer, appeal to this digitally native, ...